Imprint of
Information as per § 5 ECG and § 14 UGB and disclosure in accordance with §§ 24, 25 MedienG
Union Trading GmbH
Corporate Purpose: Trade
VAT: ATU46127800
Company Number: FN 177894i
Court: Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen Graz
Registered Office: 8055 Seiersberg-Pirka
Otto - Baumgartner - Straße 7, 8055 Seiersberg - Pirka, Österreich
Phone: +43 316 244 243
Fax: +43 316 244 243 - 9
Chamber: WKO
Applicable Law: Gewerbeordnung accessible from
Supervising Authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Graz-Umgebung as Office for Trade
CEO: Konstantinos Kopanakis
Website design & implementation by The Flow Marketing KG